Company : An innovative company helping Petroleum Engineers

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A word from the CEO

As a petroleum engineer, owner and CEO of Amarile for over 15 years, I have had the pleasure of being involved in developing the company, a truly rewarding and incredible journey in the petroleum engineering world.

A word from the CEO

At Amarile, we are committed to provide the best software and services to petroleum engineers involved in dynamic simulation and integrated asset modelling.

With considerable experience in petroleum engineering, our highly professional global team is our best asset. Through their hard work, passion and dedication, our team continuously drives Amarile forward.

As an independent, privately-owned family company, our business culture is far removed from any short-term logic and is very much about building solid relationships over the years with numerous E&P companies.

On behalf of the executive board of Amarile and our staff around the world, we look forward to serving you and your company’s needs.
Best regards,
Arnaud Brunel

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